Friday, August 15, 2008

Margin for overloaded lives

"Margin" by Dr. Richard A. Swenson

Life today is hectic – ask anyone. There is hardly enough time to catch our breath before having to move to the next thing. Even though we live in Red Bluff, which is described by some as a “nice little town,” everyone is busy. There is no time to step back and think. Many feel overloaded.

To help remedy that, we read a book called “Margin,” by Dr. Richard A. Swenson. Swenson is an internationally known lecturer and author of six books. He is a medical doctor, practicing and teaching in Illinois and Wisconsin.

Pick up any printed book or newspaper and notice the white area around the edge of the pages. That is the margin. The reason the publishers do not print on the page edge to edge and top to bottom is that it makes it very difficult to read. They could get a lot more in, but nobody would want to read it. A certain amount of unused space is necessary. Life is like that too. We cannot live our lives successfully if there is no buffer, no gap or a place to recharge. The space between what we must do and all we possibly could do is our margin. The idea behind this book is to understand why margin is important, how we lost it and how to get it back.

The book is divided into three parts, the first of which discusses the problem of pain. Swenson is not talking about physical pain, although that may be present. He is primarily focusing on the pain of life – such as the pain of progress, of stress, of problems. Who is not “stressed out” these days? Who does not sometimes wish that the progress made in the last 25 years or so could be rolled back? As useful as some of the new electronic gadgets and other things can be, everything has a down side and that is what causes us the pain.

The second part of the book is titled “The Prescription: Margin.” In this section margin is discussed and applied to various life situations. According to Swenson, margin is what we have left over after we take care of all of our obligations and commitments. It is what we have in reserve. It is what we can draw on to deal with the things life throws at us.

We need margin in all areas of life in order to live without pressure. There is of course a need for margin in our time. We cannot schedule every minute of the day and still feel focused and productive. But we also need some margin in our finances, our physical and emotional energy.

Finances are a major contributor to pressure and stress for individuals and families. It is well known that most marriage problems are at some point related to finances. Not everyone can be “financially independent,” but we can all reduce our debt, put off purchases until we can pay cash, save and give some.

The third part of the book talks about what the future will look like if we make and keep some margin in our lives. Various areas of health are pointed out; health through contentment, simplicity, balance and rest. Who does not want that?

The point the author makes is that we cannot have these things if we keep living our lives the way we always have, or the way our society tells us to live. We have to make some changes. And for most of us, that usually means getting rid of something.

Maybe we should work less hours, be involved in one less social activity so we can spend more time at home loving our children. It may require moving to a less expensive home, driving a cheaper car or even turning down a promotion at work that requires a lot of overtime. But as difficult as those choices may be, not making them may in fact be even more harmful.

This book is a great read. But for those who are not readers just applying the principles outlined above is a good start on a more satisfying life.

1 comment:

minvanman said...

Some of the things you mentioned are very true, it seems as if there is no end to the stress one can put oneself under. However, the biggest point of all this is that you can decide how much stress you want to be in by life choices you make or things you desire. Desiring to drive that new car is an obtainable goal, but it may require some overtime to pay it off. Driving the 10 year old but paid for car may seem like a less than perfect lifestyle, especially when it breaks down, but it does not come with the stress of wondering how to pay for it.