Friday, January 18, 2008

Household orgnization

Binder and supplies to create an organization binder.

Organization is one thing some resolve to do better on in the New Year. We are beginning a household organization binder to help us keep better organized.

The important thing is to gather household information in one place so that we do not need to go on a search every time we need a bit of info. Others may use files and some people keep this kind of thing on their computers.

Sections in the binder can be for a calendar, meal and recipe ideas, party ideas, holiday section, projects and to do lists. We use notebook paper to write ideas on and clear plastic pockets to keep clippings of recipes, pictures and other hints in. To separate the sections we use dividers with tabs that say what is in each section.

The calendar section is to keep track of birthdays, anniversaries and other dates that are special. Also notes of ideas for gifts for each occasion. Gifts purchased in advance can be listed in this section as a quick reminder of what is on hand.

The meal and recipe section can include daily meal planning as well as new recipes that we might want to try at a later date. If meals, desserts, breads, fruits or vegetables are prepared ahead and stored in the freezer, a list of what is in the freezer is good to have. That way stored food will be easy to remember and not be forgotten about. A list of canned items on hand is also nice to have.

A party idea section can include menus, decorations, games and other activities to try at a future event. We also list possible themes to use to center all the plans on for specific parties. Then under each theme is a list of food, decorations and activities we could do for each one.

The holiday section is where we keep track of things we have tried in the past with comments on how well we though they turned out as well as ideas to try for the future. Also gift ideas for friends and relatives are good to list in this section. A list of gifts purchased in advance and for who is nice to have as a reminder of what is already done. To not repeat the same type of gift a list of what was given and to whom is a good idea.

Projects and the to do list section is to help keep track of projects already under way and what steps are needed to complete them. Also new ideas of things we might want to do in the future and what items we need to have to do them. Types of projects might include home improvement ideas, gardening ideas or craft ideas.

Each section can include pictures, diagrams and any details that might help with future plans. Just jotting down thoughts and ideas ahead of time can be helpful. An event can sneak up on us but these things can give us a jump start.

Organization and preplanning not only helps with ideas but with the budget as well. If there is a plan and even some items purchased in advance it can save not only time but money. Last minute purchases tend to cost us more than when we shop at sales or can make something ourselves instead of purchasing ready made items.
Saving time and money are both things that make our lives go smoother for us.

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