Friday, July 20, 2007


Picture is some of the canned apricots, apricot jam and crisps the Love’s have made this summer.

Preserving fruit is a major task during the summer for us. We have recently finished our apricots and are beginning our mid-season peaches and the elderberries. The apricots were plentiful this year. Last year there were none to be found on our trees and the year before there were only enough for a few crisps.

This year our newer tree had enough for a crisp. Our old tree was so loaded the goats, chickens, geese and ducks ate all the ones we couldn’t process. That made them very happy. We canned many quarts of fruit plus made jam, but our favorite is to make crisps from the fresh tree-ripened fruit.

We came across a new recipe for crisp this year that we like better than our old recipe. We did make a few changes to fit our personal tastes. It is a small recipe that makes only two servings, but is easy to increase amounts to make the number of servings desired. The fruit used in the crisp can be apricots, peaches, berries or any other fruit in season.

Below is the recipe the way we make it. It is baked in two 8-ounce ramekins, or small ovenproof dishes that each holds a single serving. The dishes are sprayed with non-stick spray. Then crisps bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.

To make the crisps combine the following, then divide mixture in half and place at bottom of two ramekins:

1 ½ cups cut fruit

1 tablespoon honey

2 teaspoons flour

1 ½ teaspoons lemon juice

½ teaspoon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon allspice

Mix the following and place on top of fruit mixture:

1 tablespoon flour

1 tablespoon melted butter

1 tablespoon honey

1/8 teaspoon allspice

1/3 cup oats

2 tablespoons chopped walnuts

When we increase the recipe we still use the individual serving dishes as it makes it quick and easy to serve to guests. Anything made from fresh tree-ripened fruit is always a hit. Those who don’t have their own fruit trees can usually find fresh fruit at the local farmers market or fruit stands.

Along with peaches and elderberries beginning to ripen, we also have apples ready to process, so our work goes on. Even though fresh is best, canned, frozen or dried is most of what we have to eat throughout the winter months. We always look forward to summer coming again.

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